Severe Thunderstorms Cause Moderate Power Line & Tree Damage Across Area

™2013 BlueRidgeLife : Photo By Buck Martin – This is one of numerous trees that fell Thursday afternoon – June 13, 2013 in East Nelson County after severe thunderstorms moved through the area. This is on Craigtown Road just north of Shipman before the Rockfish River.

East Nelson County, VA
As Tommy discussed might be the case in his Thursday weathercast, some severe thunderstorms moved through the area Thursday afternoon causing some dame, particularly in East Nelson County and in Buckingham County. “We have 13 spans of wire on the ground near the intersection of laurel road and rockfish river road affecting a good number of members. That will take some time to repair before service is restored to that area of the Martins Store substation. Other outages in that substation area are scattered,” Greg Kelly with CVEC told BRLM around 5PM Thursday – June 13, 2013 regarding damage in East Nelson County. Greg has additional widespread information in this other update post on our site.

By far the more violent storms were well east and north of the Blue Ridge east of I-95 toward the eastern shore.

Photo courtesy of Kevin Rose : Tree limbs fell power lines and the road in Rockfish near the old depot. Kevin tells us his house faired ok, and barely missed. A person living on nearby Willoughby Road wasn’t so lucky. A tree fell on that house with extensive damage.

“VDOT and Fire Members are working to clear the trees that are in the road in that area,” Jaime Miller, Nelson’s Emergency Services Director told us around 5:20 Thursday afternoon.

Photo By Buck Martin: This is one of numerous power lines down in East Nelson County, VA – This is Craigtown Rd. just before the Rockfish River north of Shipman.

Additional reports of trees down have been coming in from Gladstone in SE Nelson and Northern Appomattox.

More updates as we have them.

If you have pictures of storm damage, send them to us:


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