VA Central Blue Ridge Area
Updated 9:30AM 1.31.13
Power was restored here at BRLM in Nelson County north of Nellysford around 8:45 AM this time. Others in Afton area as of 9:30 still say they have no power, but it is slowly coming back up. More as we know.
CVEC UPDATE AS OF 9:30 AM 1.31.13
As of 9:30 AM, CVEC crews have made significant progress in restoring power. 1262 member remain without service, down from a peak of more than 7000 last night.
A good portion of the outage were cleared in the areas served by the Martins Store and Piney River substations. Each substation area has more than 500 members awaiting completion of the restoration work
Scattered outages remain in 10 other substations areas with range of 1-42 affected member.
Wind speed will be the wild card in determining how quickly outages numbers will fall and remain at a low level.
Updated 6:22AM 1.31.13
Power dropped again for many people in Nelson around
4:30 AM Thursday morning. Updates as we have them. This outage
does appear relatively widespread from Facebook comments
we are reading.
As of 7:30 CVEC has 3600 members without power but anticipates reducing that number by 500-600.
Crews are onsite where there is downed wire on a circuit out of the Piney River Substation that feeds Long Mountain in Amherst County.
Crews are also working to repair the Afton circuit out of the Martin’s Store Substation in Nelson County.
When those repairs occur, power will flow through those circuit unless there are fault locations (trees on the line / lines on the ground) beyond the repair point.
New outages are likely to occur today as winds continue to gust and root release occurs due to wet soil conditions.
Members may report an outage by calling 800-367-2832 or online at www.mycvec.com where the outage status map provides current information.
As of 5:30 AM there are a reported 3300 members out of service with the vast majority in the areas served by the Martins Store Substation (Nelson County) and the Piney River Substation (Nelson/Amherst County.)
Outages peaked early yesterday evening at over 7000 members affected, in large part due to damage to the transmission system that delivers energy to the CVEC substations. Once repairs were made to the transmission system, by repair crews from AEP and Dominion Power, electricity began to flow to members served by the Midway substation, located near Crozet in Albemarle County. At the same time, damage was identified on the CVEC distribution system and to an internal transmission line that feeds the Martins Store substation. CVEC crews worked to make repairs and reduced the number of outages to members served by the Martins Store, Wintergreen, and Laurel Springs Substation in northern and central Nelson County.
Power was also restored to members serviced by the Red Hill substation, south of Charlottesville in Albemarle County and the Piney River substation in Nelson/Amherst.
Crews also made repairs to outages in the eastern portion of the CVEC service territory caused by wind and rain damage.
New outages have occurred overnight, due to continued high winds, affecting many of the same members in Nelson and Amherst counties, along with 108 members served by the Zion Substation serving northern Fluvanna, eastern Albemarle and a bit of Louisa counties.
CVEC will continue with repair efforts and wishes to alert members that new outages may occur until the high winds subside.
Outage information is available at www.mycvec.com and on the CVEC Facebook page. Members should report outages on the CVEC website or by calling 800-367-2832.
Gregory J. Kelly
Member Services Manager
Central Virginia Electric Cooperative
Earlier Post:
High winds accompanying thunderstorms knocked power out to a large area of customers across the Central Virginia area Wednesday night.
CVEC reports nearly 7,000 members without power as of 6:30 PM, with the western portions of Albemarle, Amherst and Nelson County receiving the brunt of the storm damage.
Initial reports indicate that the majority of the outages may be attributed to several known fault locations.
In one area, reports indicate that a tree has fallen on the Dominion Power transmission line that delivers power to the Midway substation in Albemarle County causing outages in the areas served by the Midway, Martins Store, Wintergreen and Laurel Springs substations in Nelson County. When that tree is cleared, service should be restored to most if not all of the members served by those substations.
In addition, nearly 900 members served by the Piney River substation in Nelson County were out of service. Partial restoration has been accomplished and crews are continuing work in that area.
CVEC’s Member Service Manager Greg Kelly said in a media advisory around 6:35 PM Wednesday night.
As of 9:00 many people were still without power, though some residents of Piney River and Roseland told us they got power back around 8:00 PM.
A later update by CVEC at 9:04PM said:
As the majority of the known outages are the result of damages to the transmission system operated by Dominion Power and AEP to the Cooperative’s substations and given that no additional outages have occurred in the past few hours, CVEC is awaiting transmission line restoration efforts by AEP and Dominion and will then determine if repair work is necessary on the CVEC distribution system.
We were running on generator here at BRLM just north of Nellysford in Nelson County for about 5 hours Wednesday night before power was restored at 11:50 PM