Photos By NBS: Christopher Carmagnola, a 7th grade student at North Branch School, tells his father, Mike Carmagnola, where three of the parties stand on oil. Other topics included foreign policy, gun control, the environment, health care, same-sex marriage, abortion, women's rights, and the military as North Branch Middle held an election forum this past Monday - November 5, 2012
Nelson County, VA
With the presidential election out front in the news, North Branch Middle School recently held their own election forum. “Students have been researching issues that interest them, including education, health care, energy, the environment, taxes, jobs, foreign policy, and more. They will presented the Republican, Democrat, and one third party’s stand on their topic, in plain language, to help voters make informed choices. The students were at tables with signs so that attendees could learn about the topics that interest them most,” said Bonnie Holliday with NBS.
North Branch 7th grade students, Emma Jane Howe, Carter Hoopmann, and Caroline Lancaster, chose Education as their Election Issues topics held at North Branch School on Monday - November 5, 2012. Parents, grandparents, and community members stopped by to learn more about the issues before the polls opened Tuesday. North Branch 8th grade student, Ben Ferren, speaks to Judy Hunt about Democrat, Republican and Green Party stands on renewable energy. After researching their topics, the middle school students presented information for the two major parties and also a third party.