Nelson / Lovingston: NCHS Class Of ’62 Remembers

™2012 Blue Ridge Life : Photos By BRL Mountain Photographer Paul Purpura : The Nelson County High School Classes of 1962-1966 met this past weekend as part of their reunion. The class of 1962 was honored recently for their 50th year since graduating from NCHS.

Nelson County, VA

50 Years ago students with the NCHS Class of 1962 graduated. 5 decades later this past weekend they got back together to remember on their time there. “The Nelson County High School Classes of 1962-1966 have held a joint class reunion for the past several years and from that we have been able to fund a scholarship each year to a NCHS student in memory of Catherine Whitehead, who was our guidance counselor,” said Dolores Saunders Hill

Mary Catherine Flythe and Jim Garwood happily conversing at the NCHS 1962 Class Reunion

Congrats on 50 years!

Additional pictures are accessible at Paul Purpura’s web-site ( When Paul’s home page comes up, place your mouse over “Portfolios” in the lower left and a sub-menu listing accessible portfolios will pop up.


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