Roseland: Glider Crashes On Takeoff : Pilot Injuries Minor : Updated 9PM

©2012 Nelson County Life : Photos By Tommy Stafford : Roseland Rescue crew members & witnesses look over what's left of glider that crashed on takeoff Saturday afternoon - October 20, 2012 around 2PM.

Nelson County, VA

Updated 10.19.12 9pm EDT

VA State Police Releases Additional Info On Roseland Glider/Plane Crash:

NELSON CO. – A Staunton man is recovering tonight after being involved in a minor plane crash Saturday afternoon (Oct. 20, 2012). Virginia State Police Trooper E.D. Everhart responded to the scene of the crash that occurred at 1:45 p.m. in a field along Route 151, less than a mile south of Route 623 in the Roseland community of Nelson County.

A single-engine Piper aircraft was in the process of taking off with a Genesis 2 glider in tow. As they proceeded down the field, the glider attempted to align itself with the Piper for takeoff but caught its wing on the ground. The glider then overturned.

The tow rope disengaged, and the Piper circled back around and landed without any problem.

The glider’s pilot, Presley W. Moore, III, 46, of Staunton, was transported by ambulance to Augusta Medical Center for treatment of serious, but non-life threatening injuries.

Original Post
The pilot of a small glider aircraft that was attempting takeoff from a field in Roseland has been transported to Augusta Medical Center after crashing. His injuries do not appear to be severe or life threatening. “He was just getting off the ground being towed and then his wings started waving or sort of oscillating,” one witness told NCL. The accident occurred on a grass landing strip used frequently for gliders flying in the area.

We told you about this neat place in a 2010 story here, Gliding Over The Blue Ridge.

Several area rescue squads made the scene to assit. It took a considerable amount of time for some authorities to arrive due to some confusion as to where the exact locations was.
Off in the distance the tow plane can been seen parked at the end of the grass strip.
Nelson County deputies start putting tape around the scene until the FAA arrives to inspect the crash.

The glider that crashed comes back registered to a Roseland pilot.

We’ll update the story when we have more information.


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