Signs Of Fall Creeping Down The Blue Ridge Mountains

Photos Courtesy of Henri & Elaine Weems : Just outside of the Wintergreen Property Owners Association (WPOA) Community Office Building near the entrance to Wintergreen Resort, fall colors can be seen working down toward the valley portions of Nelson County.

Near Wintergreen Resort
Nelson County, VA

Certainly not at the top, but Henri & Elaine Weems noticed the fall colors starting their way down the ridges toward the valley this past week. Top elevations in Nelson County exceed 3500 feet but even at altitudes 1500 feet below that signs of brilliant color can be seen.

Above a map from the VA Dept Of Forestry showing when likely peak times will occur across VA. Click to enlarge.
Though peek across Central Virginia is indicated to be around the end of October, the highest of elevations already have pockets brilliant color with more each day.



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