Nelson County, VA
Updates and improvements continue at the Rockfish Valley Community Center in Afton. We’ve been telling you about some of the projects in these posts.
Within the past couple of weeks, Karen Cooke of Core Fitness Synergy transitioned from her old room into her newly renovated workout space at RVCC. “The original classroom #10 has been modified into an exercise room. With the help of Bob Yoder, Rob Cooke, Henri and Elaine Weems, some blackboards were carefully removed and placed into storage. Karen Cooke then donated mirrors to this space, painted the trims and walls, purchased and hung new curtains to create a light and bright fitness center,” Henri Weems told us. Henri and his wife have long been volunteers at RVCC.

The latest renovation is just one of many ongoing at RVCC to update the old Rockfish School into a modern day community center.