Once In A Blue Moon

In this shot Paul used his super duper telephoto lens to get up close on the August 31st Blue Moon. Depending on which calendar you go by, it will be at least 2015 before we see another one.
©™ 2012 Nelson County Life : Photos By NCL Mountain Photographer Paul Purpura : Paul grabbed this shot of the August 31, 2012 Blue Moon rising over the Rockfish Valley this past Friday evening. You are looking east from Founders Vision Overlook at Wintergreen Resort.

Wintergreen Resort
Nelson County, VA

I’t s a good thing the Blue Moon came on Friday night and not Saturday night. Cloud cover certainly would have spoiled it for sure! NCL Mountain Photographer Paul Purpura camped out for a little while Friday evening as the rare Blue Moon started rising over the Rockfish Valley of Nelson County.

In this shot Paul used his super duper telephoto lens to get up close on the August 31st Blue Moon. Depending on which calendar you go by, it will be at least 2015 before we see another one.

Via Wikipedia:

Blue moons between 2009 and 2021

The following blue moons occur between 2009 and 2021. These dates use UTC as the timezone; exact dates vary with different timezones.
Using the Maine Farmers’ Almanac definition of blue moon (meaning the third full moon in a season of four full moons), blue moons occur
August 31, 2012
August 21, 2013
May 21, 2016
May 18, 2019
August 22, 2021

Blue Moon of August 31, 2012 View From Guayaquil, Ecuador
Unlike the astronomical seasonal definition, these dates are dependent on the Gregorian calendar and time zones.
Two full moons in one month (the second of which is a “blue moon”):[16]
2009: December 2, December 31 (partial lunar eclipse visible in some parts of the world), only in time zones west of UTC+05.
2010: January 1 (partial lunar eclipse), January 30, only in time zones east of UTC+04:30.
2010: March 1, March 30, only in time zones east of UTC+07.
2012: August 2, August 31, only in time zones west of UTC+10.
2012: September 1, September 30, only in time zones east of UTC+10:30.
2015: July 2, July 31
2018: January 2, January 31
2018: March 2, March 31
2020: October 1, October 31
The next time New Year’s Eve falls on a Blue Moon (as occurred on 2009 December 31) is after one Metonic cycle, in 2028. At that time there will be a total lunar eclipse.


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