Cyclists Mourn Loss Of Afton’s Cookie Lady – June Curry Passes At Age 91

©™2005-2012 Nelson County Life : Photo By Tommy Stafford : June Curry known to everyone as The Cookie Lady in a picture from our July 2005 story on her. Sadly June passed away Monday - July 16, 2012

Nelson County, VA

The biking world lost one of its angels today. June Curry, known to cyclists around the world as “The Cookie Lady,” died Monday afternoon. She was born on February 8, 1921. June was best know for providing a place for cyclists to stop for a break, or stay overnight as they rode across the country.

Our story from the July 2005 issue of Nelson County Life Magazine on The Cookie Lady. Click photo to enlarge.
Our son Adam placed a small vase of simple flowers at The Bike House Monday evening to remember June.

The subject of one of Charles Kuralt’s “On the Road” segments for CBS Sunday Morning, Curry gained fame and love for offering cyclists cookies and other treats as they passed her house along Afton Mountain Road.

A photo from our 2005 story on June Curry. Charles Kuralt autographed a picture for her after doing the story on The Cookie Lady.
A nearby building, known as "The Bike House," became a favorite stopping point along US Bike Route 76, aka the Transamerica Route. The Bike House offered shelter for weary cyclists and , in turn, became a shrine to the sport.

Back in November of 2008 we told you about cyclists from all over the county stopping by June’s house to personally thank her for over 30 years of helping them out. It was around that time, June then in her 80’s, began having several health issues.

Just a few of the thousands of postcards that hang in The Bike House from cyclists who have stayed with The Cookie Lady.
What started it all. Cookies. When cyclists first came through decades ago, June first offered them cookies. The name stuck!

No word yet from June’s family on a service, but as for the bike house at 3240 Afton Mountain Road, the property’s owner, Hope Wood, plans to keep it as it is for cyclists.

NCL Publisher Tommy Stafford spoke on WINA Radio in Charlottesville with Coy Barefoot Tuesday – July 17th just after 4PM to reflect about The Cookie Lady. Click here to listen to that podcast now.

We will miss you June, you shared so much with so many. RIP Cookie Lady.


  1. Thanks for this story — on behalf of all June’s friends at Adventure Cycling (formerly Bikecentennial), I want to express our deep sadness at the passing of this wonderful and generous woman who did so much for tens of thousands of bicycle travelers from all over the world. We will be putting up a post this afternoon and will be featuring a special article about June in an upcoming Adventure Cyclist magazine. Thanks again, Jim Sayer, Executive Director, Adventure Cycling Association

  2. 🙁 If all goes to plan I’ll be passing by there in ~5 weeks — sad to see I just missed her.


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