Guilty Plea Expected in Nelson Illegal Bear Organ Harvesting Case

Our Media Partners at CBS-19 in Charlottesville reported on Friday that Tracy Davis of Nelson County is expected to enter into a guilty plea on federal charges involving the illegal harvesting and sale of bear organs.

Nelson County, Virginia
For several months the case involving Tracy Davis in Beech Grove has been in the headlines. On Friday our media partners at CBS-19 reported that Davis is expected to enter a guilt plea on June 18th involving the federal charges in the case.

Via the 19 story:

“Authorities also said Davis trapped bears at George Washington National Forest near his home and sold their body parts.
Davis has a guilty plea hearing in the U.S. Federal Courthouse in Charlottesville scheduled for June 18.”

You can click here to read the complete CBS-19 story.


  1. DANG! And I was so sure that he was selling them pig kidneys instead.
    Homer Barnswallow
    Nelson County


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