Nelson County, VA
Library service is important to many Nelson County residents. Monday, May 21 the Jefferson-Madison Regional Library will hold its monthly meeting at the Rockfish Valley Community Center giving Nelson residents a chance to ask questions and air concerns about library service in Nelson and the entire JMRL system. The board meeting will be preceded by a 45 minute lunchtime presentation highlighting the JMRL website and the use of its many databases. The databases include, among others, news, health, finance and genealogical research databases.
Mary Coy, a recent appointee to the library board’s advocacy committee, arranged for the JMRL board to meet in Nelson in order to increase awareness of the library and all it has to offer to the Nelson County community. “Many of us use the library website from home to place holds on books or search the catalogue but we have no idea of how much more there is on the website and, therefore, accessible from our homes,” says Coy. She encourages attendees to bring their computers to the noon presentation for a hands-on information experience.
The presentation begins at 12 noon and the board meeting will follow at 1pm. The Rockfish Valley Community Center is located on Rockfish School Lane in Nellysford. For more information, contact RVCC at 361-1000 or Nelson trustee to the JMRL board, Mary Coy at 263-8802.