[Nelly] May Day sighting excites, frustrates, locals

Sheetz the Bull of Beech Grove stands lookout for Nelly May of Nellysford. Copywright © 2012 NelsonCountyLife.com
Sheetz the Bull of Beech Grove stands lookout for Nelly May of Nellysford. Copywright © 2012 NelsonCountyLife.com

[ Greenfield, VA ]  In what appears to have been a false flag (Nelly) May Day event, early morning reports of sightings of the missing Nelson Farmers’ Market mascot turned out to be bull. As in, Bull Sheetz.

Reports began trickling in Monday before 8 A.M. of Nelly May sightings at Ashley’s Market,  the southbound lane of Route 151 near Tuckahoe Antique Mall, and Wintergreen Hardware. Later in the day, we spotted the Nelly May look-alike standing near Hickman’s Grocery in Beech Grove. Apparently Sheetz the Bull is quite upset over Nelly May’s disappearance.

Sheetz the Bull expresses his yearning to be reunited with Nelly May. (Copyright © 2012 NelonCountyLife.com)

Hickman’s Grocery owner, Andy Hickman, had already left for the day when we entered his store. Perhaps, he too, is looking for some Nelly May.

A close inspection of this cow, initially mistaken to be Nelly May, reveals that it is actually a bull. (Copyright © 2012 NelsonCountyLife.com)


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