Gladstone Woman Dies In Tuesday Morning House Fire – Updated 3.6.12 – 12 Noon

©2012 : Emergency crews cleanup at the scene where 87 year old Mary Lou Jones died from an early Monday morning house fire in Gladstone.
©2012 : Emergency crews cleanup in Gladstone at the scene where 87 year old Mary Lou Jones died from an early Monday morning house fire on Spring Lane.

Nelson County, Virginia

Nelson County Sheriff Brooks confirmed to NCL late Tuesday morning that 87 year old Mary Lou Jones of 60 Spring Lane in Gladstone died after her house caught fire. “A state fire investigator was close to the scene shortly after it happened and is handling the actual investigation, but it’s believed the fire started as a result of a wood stove.”

View Gladstone Fatal House Fire in a larger map
Spring Lane is just north of Gladstone in SE Nelson County, VA.

Firefighters extinguish the remaining flames at the Tuesday morning house fire in Gladstone, Virginia.

Numerous fire departments from Nelson and Amherst made the scene Tuesday morning. “The state fire team is classifying this as an unattended death thus far. More information will become available as the state completes their investigation,” Sheriff Brooks continued.


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