BREAKING: Firemen Battle Blaze At Laurelwood Condo Unit : Wintergreen Resort

©2012 : Photo By NCL Mountain Photographer Paul Purpura : Tired firefighters with Wintergreen Fire Department get a blaze under control just before 8AM Monday at The Laurelwood Condo units at Wintergreen Resort.
©2012 : Photo By NCL Mountain Photographer Paul Purpura : Tired firefighters with Wintergreen Fire Department get a blaze under control just before 8AM Monday at The Laurelwood Condo units at Wintergreen Resort.

Wintergreen Resort
Nelson County, Virginia

Wintergreen Fire Department has been working a blaze this snowy Monday morning at one of the condo units at Wintergreen Resort. WFD Fire Chief Curtis Sheets confirms is The Laurelwoods condo unit near The Market. NCL Mountain Photographer Paul Purpura is on the scene and is sending us updates as well as photos like the one above.

Map via : Just before 8AM Monday firefighters with WIntergreen FD say they have a blaze contained at The Laurelwoods Condos near The Market. This is the general area of the fire at on the mountain.

We do understand the blaze is under control at this time and WFD is now there in a cleanup capacity only.


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