Nelson County, Virginia
Updated 2.8.12 @ 3:01 PM
This just in: $600,000 in job/benefits cuts are on their way.

Updated 2.6.12 @ 4:45 PM
As we first reported below in our story from this morning, financial troubles are on the front burner at Wintergreen Resort. NCL just received an official statement from the resort’s CEO, Hank Thiess.

Updates as we have them.
Original story from 11:29 AM on 2.6.12
The Daily Progress in Charlottesville went with the story Sunday night detailing serious financial problems facing Wintergreen Resort. On Monday The Hook, also in Charlottesville, followed with their story.
Over the past several months the perfect storm seems to have been brewing at the resort. Warmer than average temps over this winter season combined with a problem involving tax credits on a conservation easement have put the resort in a serious financial position. However, we were told by a one WPI member Monday morning that the situation, “though serious, is not impossible.”
NCL has received numerous reports Monday that several positions are being eliminated in an emergency cost cutting move.
We are awaiting more official information from resort management.
More as we know.