No Tough Mudder at Wintergreen in 2012

©2011-2012 : Photo By Hayley Osborne : Jack Muhler of Nellysford running through the smoke and fire during the 2011 Tough Mudder held at Wintergreen Resort in October.

Wintergreen Resort
Nelson County, Virginia

Wintergreen Resort will not be hosting a Tough Mudder event in 2012, Resort spokesperson Dana Quillen said. In a statement, Quillen said though Tough Mudder would not return in October, the Resort is looking at the Spring of 2013 as a potential time for a Tough Mudder event.

A challenging 10-12 mile obstacle course designed by British Special Forces, the event last October attracted several thousand competitors and spectators to the Resort, including 18 members of Team Nelson, a group started by NCL publisher Yvette Stafford. Fundraising efforts by Team Nelson raised $500 for Wintergreen Adaptive Sports, a local charity whose mission is to “improve the lives of people with a disability through outdoor sports and recreation,” according to its web site.

Should Tough Mudder and Wintergreen Resort ink a deal for 2013, we’ll let you know.



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