Earl Hamner & NCL Talk The Homecoming This Thursday Afternoon On The Radio

©2005-2011 www.nelsoncountylife.com : The original 2005 cast & crew of The Homecoming at The Hamner Theater in Nelson County, Virginia. The theater was established in Earl Hamner's honor in 2005. The Homecoming is currently on stage there until December 18th. Earl Hamner talks about his Christmas story this Thursday on the radio with NCL publisher Tommy Stafford.

Afton, Virginia
Memphis, Tennessee

If you are from Nelson County you know about the The Homecoming. If you aren’t from Nelson County, you probably still know about The Homecoming. This December marks 6 years of stage productions at The Hamner Theater in Afton, VA. The theater was established in honor of Nelson County native Earl Hamner, Jr from Schuyler. His Homecoming inspired the long running CBS television series, The Waltons. The stage production of The Homecoming is currently playing until December 18th at The Hamner Theater. This is a must see!

This Thursday – December 8th, Earl Hamner and NCL Publisher, Tommy Stafford will be on the radio in Memphis, Tennessee for an hour and a half talking about The Homecoming, Earl’s Christmas memories from here in Nelson, and much, much more. Tommy is frequently on the radio back in Memphis as part of The Earle Farrell Radio Show in the afternoons. Memphis is where Tommy began his television news and weather career.

You don’t have to be in range of a radio to hear the broadcast, simply head on over the www.kwam990.com on Thursday afternoon starting at 4:30 PM EST to listen to the live stream and hear Earl talk all about Nelson!


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