Search Details Of Rooster Ridge Raid Emerge – Suspected Bear Organs Harvested – Updated 1.15.12

Above is a shot of the search warrant obtained by reported Rachel Ryan with our news partner CBS-19 The Newsplex. The warrant was executed on the home of Tracy Davis in Roseland (Beech Grove) on November 21st.

Roseland / Beech Grove
Nelson County, Virginia

Updated 1.15.12

Nelson County Sheriff David Brooks confirms that two of his officers assisted federal authorities on Friday evening (January 13, 2012) in taking Tracy Davis back into custody. ” I was told this was as a result of a direct indictment. We were told it consisted of numerous charges involving moonshine. Our officers were there to assist federal authorities in the pickup of Mr. Davis,” Sheriff Brooks said over the weekend.

Sheriff Brooks said the agents who took Davis back into custody were out of the DC/Maryland area.

Previous story from 11.18.11
As we first reported here back on November 21st, the investigation continues into a raid conducted on the home of Tracy Davis in Beech Grove. Today new details have come to light after reporter, Rachel Ryan of our news partner CBS-19 The Newsplex, reviewed the 30 page search warrant that was the basis for going into the home. Many new detail details have come to light and others have been verified from the documents.

Rachel’s complete story can be viewed by clicking here.


  1. What a fine example of “What goes around, comes around.” If the U-C proferred charges against Tracy based on the infinite examples of lies and half-truths….er…rather, “fantastical stories of adventure”…. that have spewed from his mouth through the years, then half of the charges are probably baseless: just like the stories. Tracy always loved to tell a tall tale, and now it appears that his bragging-in-the-extreme has come around to make him the bug, and not the windshield.
    Homer Barnswallow
    Nelson County


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