Happy Thanksgiving!

©2011 www.nelsoncountylife.com : Junior Publisher Adam Stafford and sister Peyton get ready to dig in! Happy Thanksgiving!

Greenfield / Afton
Nelson County, Virginia

We hope everyone has been having a wonderful Thanksgiving! We want to thank all of you, our readers, for your continued support, story suggestions, and just being a part of Nelson.

We are all truly thankful!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tommy, Yvette, Adam & Peyton
Nelson County Life


  1. I wonder if they’ll take a poll to see how many people do Black Friday as opposed to the people who observe Good Friday. I can imagine Black Friday becoming a national holiday in the next five years. Thanksbuying Day is observed on the Friday following Thanksgiving Thursday from now until kingdom come, whether you like it or not.

    This year retailers are trying to push a Black Wednesday when you can buy everything before Black Friday and avoid the crowds, sell outs, Occupiers, and their ilk…and elk. Then comes Black Tuesday. Next thing you know, you’ll have to take the whole week off. Next is Black Monday after Easter.

    The group of people who want to “Occupy” the retail stores on Black Friday run an incredible risk of being run over by the Black Friday Train. Those Occupiers are out of their minds for two reasons now. No one is occupying their homes on Black Friday. You’d better start Occupying your families and your jobs.

    It’s getting to where it is uncertain which side of the fence the zoo is on.


    Patrick D. Parrish
    745 Sleepy Hollow Road
    Roseland, VA 22967

  2. I guess I forgot to leave out my address and phone number. I thought this might be an email just to you


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