Nelson County, Virginia
You couldn’t slip a sheet paper in between the election results of Nelson Sheriff David Brooks and challenger Mac Bridgwater. Only 9 total votes separated the two as of late Tuesday night according to results posted by the Virginia Board Of Elections. As NCL understands the law, an automatic recount is not mandated, but in cases with such close vote totals, it is almost certain a recount will occur. Brooks finished with 2606 total votes while Bridgwater was right on the heels with 2597 total votes. John Wright, the 3rd place challenger, came in with 392 votes or 7% of the total vote in Nelson County.
Other races weren’t so close. In the race for Commonwealth Attorney in Nelson, Anthony Martin easily defeated challenger Daniel Rutherford. Martin had 3275 votes compared to Rutherford’s 2249.
Another contest closely watched by Southern Nelsonians was the Board of Supervisors’ race. Larry Saunders handily beat incumbent Joe Dan Johnson in a three way race. Saunders: 468 – Johnson: 314 – Ponton: 257
In the race for Nelson County Treasurer, Angela F. “Angi” Johnson easily beat challenger Susan Kidd Stevens by 2567 votes.
In the race for the Virginia House of Delegates, Nelson BOS Connie Brennan captured the Nelson County vote, but that didn’t seem to be enough to send her to Richmond.

You can view all of the Nelson race breakdowns by going here to the Virginia Board Of Elections.