Board Of Supervisors : Minutes : 9.13.11


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Present: Mr. Joe Dan Johnson, Mr. Allen Hale, Mr. Tommy Bruguiere, Ms. Connie Brennan

Absent: Mr. Tommy Bruguiere

PUBLIC COMMENT: Mr. Pete Perdue, Afton, reported that the there is a discrepancy between the Rockfish Valley Senior Group financial balance and the Rockfish Valley Community Center financial balance in the amount of $3,700. He noted that the RVSG has reported that that discrepancy has been reduced to $89 but there is no reconciliation report available to the public to explain the reduction or discrepancy. Mr. Perdue said that the RVSG Treasurer and President refused to discuss the discrepancy in public and yelled at him to leave the meeting being held in a public building at Rockfish Volunteer Fire & Rescue. He asked that the Board take action to allow all citizens access and a civil atmosphere in public buildings.

Reverend Foster, Shipman, asked that the Board work to get a stop light at Colleen for public safety.

TJPDC 2012 LEGISLATIVE AGENDA: Mr. David Blount, Legislative Liaison reported that he is in the process of developing the 2012 program and requested that the Supervisors review the issues to be included and provide input. He noted that a draft of the program will be circulated in early October.

ORDINANCE AMENDMENT TO INCLUDE A LOCAL DROUGHT ORDINANCE: Mr. Carter presented a proposed amendment, noting that adoption of a local ordinance is a requirement in order for the state to accept the regional water supply program. Supervisors adopted the ordinance amendment 4-0.

COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT: Mr. Carter reported on the following –

Courthouse Project: Staff working towards an initial move into the new addition on October 12th. The plan is for E-911/Dispatch to move in on October 12th; Sheriff’s Department on October 14th; and General District and J&D courts on October 28th.

Broadband Project: Construction of fiber optic backbone poised to move forward upon receipt of construction permits from VDOT. County is hoping to receive those permits by the week of the 19th.

Gladstone Rescue Squad: The court appointed Receiver is working to complete his report to the Circuit Court and is presently determining how to best resolve the outstanding renovation work that was undertaken by the former rescue squad. The licensing of the Gladstone Volunteer Fire Department to become an EMS agency is in process with VA-OEMS. Roseland Rescue Squad continues to respond to calls for service in the Gladstone area.

Nelson County Public Schools: The NCSA has completed connection of Tye River Elementary School to the Authority’s water and sewer system. The window replacement/repair projects at TRES and RRES are projected to be completed by mid-October.

Personnel: Mr. Hale said that he would like the Board of Supervisors to have some input into the hiring decision for the part-time planner position. Ms. Brennan said that she would like to see the successful applicant have a strong background in GIS. She also suggested that a member of the Planning Commission have input too. Mr. Carter said that Ms. Melissa Thompson has been hired for the Planning & Zoning secretary and will start October 11th. Mr. Hale recommended making the Solid Waste Coordinator’s position a full-time position. Ms. Brennan agreed, saying that the current part-time manager works weekends and evenings too.

PLANNING COMMISSION REFERRAL RESPONSE/INDIVIDUAL SEPTIC SYSTEMS: Mr. Hale said that he has reviewed the Commission’s reasoning, talked to several surveyors and asked Mr. Boger to gather regulations from Rockbridge and Albemarle Counties.

(Note: Mr. Bruguiere arrived at this point.)

GLADSTONE RESCUE SQUAD TOWER: Mr. Phil Payne, County Attorney, reviewed the draft lease agreement for which the Supervisors will hold a public hearing at the evening session.

HEALTH DEPARTMENT BUILDING: Mr. Carter reported that there was damage to the building during the recent storm. He noted that the roof has been patched but there was damage to the floor tiles. Supervisors agreed that the county needs to get the staff out of the building no matter which option is chosen – replacement or renovation of the building.

Mr. Hale said that the decision has been made more than once to renovate the building but now the Board is revisiting the issue. He reminded the Board that Option 1A using a 20-year financing would allow the Board to renovate that building and have the income from the Health Department plus moving the Extension Office over, it would have the building paid for by rents we would receive and/or save without additional capital funding. Ms. Brennan agreed with Mr. Hale’s analysis. Mr. Hale said that the design has already been done for the renovation so work could begin very quickly.

Mr. Harvey said that the same plans could be used to build a three-story building and move some of those rentals back over to a new building. You are going to have nothing but cinderblock walls. Mr. Johnson said that he is worried about what is under the existing building. He said that the county could reduce the rents paid and bring the Health Department, Social Services and the School Administration into a new three-story building. Ms. Brennan said that that could be done for about $4 million.

Mr. Harvey said that there is no way it is cheaper to renovate a building that has outlived its useful life. Ms. Brennan said that there are rehabilitated buildings all over the country that are wonderful buildings. Mr. Harvey said that some buildings are just not worth renovating. Mr. Hale said that a new three-story building would require a 7,000 sq ft footprint with the current footprint is just under 5,000 sq ft. Mr. Harvey said it could be put on land that we’ve bought and not used for anything behind the new parking area. Ms. Brennan said that she would like to know what it costs to get us across to the other property, given that bridges would be needed.

Mr. Harvey said that he still believes the Lovingston Health Care building coming to the county in 3 years would be the perfect site. Mr. Johnson said it is an option to move the Health Department for 4 years, renovate that building for $2.5 million and put the Health Department there with other offices. Mr. Bruguiere said that he voted for renovation last time, but now the renovation costs have increased greatly and the building has had its time. He said that even if we only build a building for the Health Department, we are still ahead. We need to find out where the Health Department wants to go and then raze the building.

Supervisors voted unanimously to direct staff to work with the Health Department to determine options for their staff to move at the least expense to the county. Mr. Hale moved that the county continue to pursue the renovation of the Health Department building (Ms. Brennan seconding) as previously approved by the Board. Mr. Bruguiere, Mr. Harvey and Mr. Johnson voted no; Ms. Brennan and Mr. Hale voted yes. Mr. Harvey then moved that everything be tabled for that building until staff is moved out and the Board looks at all of the options (Ms. Brennan seconded). Supervisors voted unanimously on the motion.

SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SERVICES: Tabled to give time for Supervisors to review the reports.

MASSIES MILL RECREATION CENTER: Mr. Carter presented a report that the Center is presently three years delinquent with payment of local real estate taxes 2008-2011. The matter has been referred to an attorney for processing the property for an ensuing tax sale. Mr. Bruguiere moved to allow the attorney move forward to a tax sale (Mr. Hale seconded). Mr. Harvey disagreed and said that staff should make contact with the proper people and determine whether the property should revert back to the county. Mr. Bruguiere withdrew his motion and Supervisors directed staff to make contact with the appropriate parties at Massies Mill and request financial information on county funds given to the organization.

(Note: Mr. Harvey was absent for the rest of the meeting.)

SPECIAL USE PERMIT/MR. BARTON BIGGS: Mr. Boger reported that the applicant has applied for a permit to install a 140-foot wind turbine on a 175-acre property owned by Mr. Barton Biggs on 4026 River Road in Faber. The applicant, represented by Mr. Dan Boyle of Central Virginia Wind Energy, wants to install a lattice designed 140-foot tower on a 21×21-foot base approximately 600 feet from the residence. Because the trees are 100 feet tall and the blades need to be at least 30 feet above the nearest obstacle, the applicant has applied for a permit for a 140-foot tower. With no public comment, Supervisors voted unanimously to approve the permit.

REAL PROPERTY LEASE FOR A TELECOMMUNICATIONS TOWER/FORMER GLADSTONE RESCUE SQUAD PROPERTY: With no public comment, Supervisors voted unanimously to approve the lease agreement as drafted by Central States Tower II, LLC and the County Attorney.

REAL PROPERTY LEASE FOR A TELECOMMUNICATIONS TOWER/DEVILS KNOB, WINTERGREEN: With no public comment, Supervisors voted unanimously to approve the lease agreement with New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC.

With no further business, Supervisors voted to adjourn the meeting.

Copyright 2000-2011 by Rural Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved. Reports may be reprinted or excerpted with attribution.


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