Board Of Supervisors : Minutes : 8.25.11


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Present: Mr. Joe Dan Johnson, Mr. Tommy Bruguiere, Mr. Allen Hale, Mr. Tommy Harvey and Ms. Connie Brennan

REGION 2000 REGIONAL WATER SUPPLY PLAN: Mr. Mike Larson, Draper Aden, reviewed the draft plan including a drought response and contingency plan. Read the study at

Supervisors voted unanimously to adopt the Region 2000 Water Supply Plan as it relates to Nelson County. Supervisors tabled a resolution to adopt a local drought ordinance for further review.

CLOSED SESSION: Supervisors met in Closed Session to consult with legal counsel regarding the Lovingston Health Care Center/Medical Facilities of America and to consult with legal counsel regarding the Gladstone Rescue Squad receivership. Following the Closed Session, Supervisors directed the County Attorney to continue conversations with MFA.

HEALTH DEPARTMENT BUILDING: Discussion tabled until the next meeting.

LEASE AGREEMENTS: Mr. Payne (County Attorney) asked the Board for direction on the tower lease for the Gladstone Rescue Squad property given that that property has now reverted to the county. He noted that the county can enter into the agreement or assign it to another party. Mr. Johnson said that the county should retain the ability to co-locate on that tower and should ask Clay Stewart what he needs on the tower. Supervisors authorized the county attorney to negotiate best possible agreement.

Mr. Payne advised the Board that a new lease will be going out to Cingular (AT&T) for the Devils Knob tower. If they enter into the agreement within one year, they will pay $77,000 (1/2 of the estimated cost of the tower) with the lease agreement on the equipment going to WPOA. Supervisors directed Mr. Payne to move forward with the new lease, noting that the county will build the tower either way.

Supervisors adopted a resolution authorizing public hearings on the two issues above related to public property and the county entering into lease agreements on the sites.

JOB DESCRIPTION/FULL TIME SOLID WASTE MANAGER: Tabled for further consideration by staff.

GLADSTONE VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT INVOICE: Supervisors voted unanimously to approve reimbursement of an invoice for $224.63 for medical supplies.

PERMITTED SIGNS: Mr. Carter presented a resolution of intent to amend the Zoning Ordinance related to signs in various districts, noting that the Rockfish Valley Community Center wishes to put up a sign but is limited to a 6 square foot sign in a Residential (R-1) District. Mr. Harvey said that the problem is that RVCC is zoned Residential and should be zoned Business or Agricultural. He said that he thought the zoning had already been changed. Supervisors directed staff to investigate the zoning and have RVCC apply for a rezoning if one is needed.

Meeting adjourned.

Copyright 2000-2011 by Rural Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved. Reports may be reprinted or excerpted with attribution.


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