Montebello Post Office On List For Possible Closure

The post office in the far SW Nelson community of Montebello is on a list for possible closure.

Nelson County, Virginia

CBS-19 (Newsplex) is reporting that Montebello is one of the locations being considered by the U.S. Postal Service for possible closure in the near future.

Their story reads:

The Postal Service is considering closing more than 1 in 10 of its retail outlets.

The financially-troubled agency announced Tuesday that it will study 3,653 local offices, branches and stations for possible closing. Most of the offices that face review are in rural areas and have low volumes of business.

Central Virginia post offices being reviewed include:

– Madison County: Hood, Oakpark, Radient, Rochelle, Syria, Wolftown

– Nelson County: Montebello

– Orange County: Burr Hill, Montpelier Station

Coming under review doesn’t necessarily mean an office will close, although. The post office announced in January it was reviewing 1,400 offices for closing. So far 280 have been closed and 200 have finished the review process and will remain open.

To read the entire story, click here.


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