Wild Wolf Brewing Company Getting New Home Ready In Nellysford

©2011 www.nelsoncountylife.com : You may have noticed the new sign that went up within the past few days at the old Rockfish School in Nellysford. This will eventually be the new home of Wild Wolf Brewing Company and restaurant later this year.

Nelson County, Virginia

With much anticipation, progress is moving along on Wild Wolf Brewing Company’s soon to be new home. They recently closed on the purchase of the old Rockfish School just south of the post office in Nellysford on Route 151. The property has been a variety of businesses since the original school closed decades ago.

We first told you about Danny and his mom Mary Wolf, back in our November 2010 edition of Nelson County Life Magazine. Click on the article above to read about the launch of Nelson’s newest brewery.

Currently Wild Wolf has setup shot in Valley Green Shopping Center. They are expected to be operating out of the new facility late this year after construction and renovations are complete.

Be looking for more updates soon!



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