Shipman : The Bees Of Hungry Hill – More Pics

Photos By Hayley Osborne : ©2011 : NCL Photographer Hayley Osborne (far right) suits up to bring you this month's cover story on the bees of Hungry Hill here in Nelson County.

Nelson County, Virginia

Be sure to check out or July 2011 cover story about the bees (and the keepers) of Hungry Hill Farm in Shipman. NCL Photographer Hayley Osborne suited up the get you close and personal with the bees. Writer Jennie Williams tells you all about it in her story.

Click on the image above to read our July 2011 cover story by Jennie Williams and Hayley Osborne.

Hungry Hill Farm in Shipman now has between 150-175 colonies of bees.
Glenn Clayton, Sr. of Hungry Hill Farm started keeping bees back in New Jersey in 1983.
Glenn Clayton, Sr was a full-time firefighter back in New Jersey but loved coming home to his bees after work.
"If you ever start keeping bees, you'll know exactly what I am talking about," Glenn Sr. tells us.
Fresh Honey is bottled at Hungry Hill Farm in Shipman, Virginia.

Visit Hungry Hill on Facebook by clicking here.


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