Lake Monocan Gears Up For Summer!

Photos By Tommy Stafford : ©2011 : Hannah Lilley (left) and Martina Cook get kayaks ready for the summer season at Wintergreen Resort's Lake Monocan in Stoney Creek.

Lake Monacan / Nellysford
Nelson County, Virginia

You know summer can’t be far away when they start pulling out the inflatable rafts, the kayaks, and the canoes at Lake Monocan. The lake is already open weekends and for special events, but opens full time starting Memorial Day weekend. We caught up with Martina Cook and Hannha Lilley this past Friday morning getting everything ready for summer!

If you haven't been to Lake Monacan in awhile, it's something to see. All types of new renovartion. It's really spruced up!

To learn more about Wintergreen Resort’s – Lake Monocan. Click here for times, rates, and details.


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