Planning Commission Work Session : Minutes : 5.3.11


Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Present: Ms. Philippa Proulx, Ms. Emily Hunt, Mr. Mike Harman, Ms. Linda Russell, Mr. Mike Tapager and Ms. Connie Brennan (Board Liaison)

NELSON COUNTY GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE ASSESSMENT: Ms. Karen Firehock, Executive Director of Green Infrastructure Center ( presented an overview of the completed Part One of the Nelson project. Graduate students completed an assessment of the county’s forests and wildlife habitats, agricultural soils, tourism, nature based recreation and water resources. Part One included development of multiple maps and corresponding data and a public meeting in November, 2010. Part One is available at

During Part Two, more analysis of the county’s watersheds will be conducted and recommendations developed for inclusion in the final report. The next step will be a Focus Group Meeting followed by a presentation to the Board of Supervisors. County staff will review the final report with a completed report and final maps to the county in June. Ms. Firehock reviewed ways that the final report could be used as a guide in planning and land use decisions. Comments on the work or questions about the project can be sent to:

COMPREHENSIVE PLAN WORK SESSION: Commissioners continued their review of the TJPDC draft of the transportation section. After reviewing the large number of edits to the document from the previous meeting and the large number of edits still to be made, Commissioners directed staff to return the draft to TJPDC with a request for a new draft with language that is much clearer and more concise.

Meeting adjourned.

Copyright 2000-2011 by Rural Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved. Reports may be reprinted or excerpted with attribution.


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