Board Of Supervisors : Minutes : 4.28.11


Thursday, April 28, 2011

Present: Mr. Joe Dan Johnson, Mr. Tommy Bruguiere, Mr. Allen Hale, Mr. Tommy Harvey and Ms. Connie Brennan

CLOSED SESSION: Supervisors went into closed session to discuss a prospective business or expansion not previously announced.

Following the closed session, Supervisors voted unanimously to authorize staff to negotiate incentives for a business at Colleen Business Park.

(Note: By press release after the Closed Session – Blue Mountain Barrel House & Organic Brewery, a 10,000 square foot production-only facility for the 10 lines of Blue Mountain beer that will be kegged or bottled in 750ml corked bottles and undergo 100% natural refermentation, plans to begin by January, 2012 with a start capacity of 2,500 barrels per year, growing to 5,000 barrels per year. The second project, a large production brewery of 40-60,000 square feet will focus on the production of the current bottled beer lines with eventual capacity at 50,000 barrels annually.)

FY11-12 BUDGET: After discussion, Supervisors agreed to provide $314,000 in additional funding to the School Operating Funds (includes a 1% pay increase based on last year’s salary numbers; VRS and health insurance). Supervisors then agreed to provide a 1% increase for all county employees, including the County Administrator. Ms. McCann reported that the 1% across the board would add $64,000 to the staff recommendation for the schools and reduce the contingency fund to $79,669. (Non-recurring contingency fund remains at $159,000.)

Supervisors agreed to fund a new Planner position for 9 months of the budget year. Mr. Carter reported that there is funding in the budget for several other positions that could be filled in the future – a 24-hour/week staff person for Economic Development/Tourism; a full-time position for Building Inspections currently being filled by a part-time person; and an unfilled position in maintenance. Mr. Carter also reported that the Parks & Recreation van has been wrecked and disposed of. He said that Parks & Rec would like funding of approximately $22,500 to purchase a 12-person van. Supervisors directed staff to bring back some options, including purchasing a used van, at the May 10th meeting. Mr. Carter also noted that there are still times when only one 911 dispatcher is on duty and said that it would cost approximately $31,000 to add a 32-hour/week part-time dispatcher plus increase the hours of some of the part-time dispatchers to make sure there are always two dispatchers on duty at all times.

Supervisors agreed to hold the public hearing on the draft budget at their 7pm meeting on Thursday, May 26th. Meeting adjourned.

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