Board Of Supervisors : Minutes : 4.12.11



Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Present: Mr. Joe Dan Johnson, Mr. Tommy Bruguiere, Mr. Allen Hale, Mr. Tommy Harvey and Ms. Connie Brennan

ESTABLISHMENT OF 2011 TAX RATES: Supervisors unanimously adopted the same tax rates as 2010 for 2011:

Real Property Tax $0.55

Public Service Real Property $0.55

Tangible Personal Property $2.95

Public Service Personal Property $2.95

Machinery & Tools Tax $1.25

Mobile Home Tax $0.55


Ms. Susan McSwain, President, Central Blue Ridge Chapter of Master Naturalists, invited Supervisors to their Earth Day 2011 Celebration on Saturday, April 23rd from 10-2 at Wintergreen’s Skyline Pavilion.

Ms. Janice Jackson, Nelson’s representative to the JAUNT Board, thanked Supervisors for their past support and requested that they consider in increase of 4% ($2,500) in the coming budget to maintain services.

CONTRACT/COURTHOUSE FURNITURE: Supervisors voted unanimously to authorize staff to award and execute an agreement with Smarter Interiors for the provision and installation of furniture for the new judicial building. Mr. Carter reported that the contract is approximately $145,000. The budget included $175,000 for furniture, a portion of which has already been spent for special furniture for the dispatch center.

2011 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX RELIEF: Supervisors voted unanimously to adopt a resolution establishing the tax relief as:

Qualified vehicles with an assessed value of $1,000 or less will be eligible for 100% tax relief;

Qualified vehicles with an assessed value of $1,001 to $20,000 will be eligible for 54% tax relief;

Qualified vehicles with an assessed value of $20,001 or more shall be eligible to receive 54% tax relief only on the first $20,000 of assessed value; and

All other vehicles which do not meet the definition of “qualifying” (business use vehicle, farm use vehicle, motor homes, etc) will not be eligible for any form of tax relief under this program.

Note: The 2010 tax relief rate was 55%.

BUDGET MODEL PROJECTIONS: Mr. Roland Kooch with Davenport & Company, LLC presented a five-year projection in two phases – Operational Projection (growth and impact of basic operating budget) and Incremental CIP (Capital Improvement Projects) Projection (impact from future projects).

Operational Projections – structurally balanced budgetarily for the next five years assuming –

*limited local and state revenue growth resulting in total revenue increasing from 1.0% to 1.7% by FY2017;

*total expenditures increase by 1.0% to 1.8% by FY2017;

*no additional debt service – assumes decline in debt service is reprogrammed toward operational needs

The FY2012 budget has $253,000 of additional funds programmed to accelerate the “pay down” of the Courthouse financing. Acceleration of that amount each year would decrease the amortization of the Courthouse debt from 38 years to 20 years. The equivalent real estate tax impact of the acceleration would be $0.06 beginning in FY2013 and approximately $0.01 in FY2017.

Mr. Kooch then presented an analysis of the impact of state revenue considerations if revenues remain constant or decline by 1% over the next three years. Supervisors requested an analysis of the impact of state revenues increasing by 1% over the next three years.

Future CIP Assumptions – Mr. Kooch presented estimated costs less county equity to project estimated borrowing costs for the following projects:

1. Radio Communications System $1,200,000

2A.Renovation of Adjunct Office Building $1,977,598

2B.Renovation of County Courthouse $4,064,790

3A.New Facility for VDH/DSS (Alt site) $2,530,000

3B.Alternative VDH Only (Nelson Center) $1,265,000

4. Nelson County Public Schools $1,336,100

5. Nelson Memorial Library $4,000,000

6. Athletic & Fitness Center Complex $10,000,000

*Note: Both 3A & 3B are not assumed to be done together. They are alternatives for each other.

Mr. Kooch then presented the estimated debt service for each of the above as well as the estimated real estate tax impact (assuming value of $0.01 equals $270,000) as follows:

1. 0.0¢ tax impact

2A. 0.6¢ tax impact

2B. 1.2¢ tax impact

3A. 1.0¢ tax impact

3B. 0.4¢ tax impact

4. 1.1¢ tax impact

5. 1.2¢ tax impact

6. 3.0¢ tax impact

Total with Alternative 3A estimates an 8.2¢ tax impact

Total with Alternative 3B estimates a 7.6¢ tax impact

FY11-12 BUDGET WORK SESSION: Ms. Debbie McCann reported the following changes to the proposed budget:

Regional Jail $9,211.00 increase $529,315.00 (revised budget amount)

*Still a decrease in Nelson’s portion from $536,946 previous year

Waste Removal $11,217.00 increase $998,579.00 (revised budget amount)

*Includes adjustments in health insurance premiums, VA-DEQ licensing fees and increased transportation costs associated with transport to the new Campbell County Landfill in 2012. Also reflects an increase in the Region 2000 member tipping fees.

Contingency $1,141.00 increase $442,473.00

Committee Reports:

School Committee – Ms. Brennan and Mr. Bruguiere reported that their meeting with school officials did not result in any proposed adjustments to their budget request. Mr. Bruguiere said that the county will have to make their cuts and the School Board can decide where to put the money. Ms. Brennan and Mr. Bruguiere agreed to meet again with school officials.

Agency Committee – Ms. Brennan and Mr. Johnson reviewed all agency requests with the following recommendations:

Jefferson Madison Regional Library – additional $9,866 (4%) to provide for retirement and health insurance cost increases.

JAUNT – increase of $2,557 (4.3%) to maintain current levels of service with additional fuel costs.

CASA (provides volunteers to work with families when children go to court) – new funding of $3,000

Nelson Health Department – increase of $3,000 to maintain current services

Schuyler Community Center – obtain additional information on heating system request

After discussion, Supervisors agreed to the following:

Jefferson Madison Regional Library $9,000

JAUNT $2,557

CASA $2,500

Nelson Health Department $3,000

Piedmont Housing Alliance minus $500

Capital Improvements Committee – Mr. Harvey and Mr. Hale made the following recommendations with agreement from the other Supervisors to fund them:

Vehicles – Purchase 3 vehicles for Sheriffs Dept (as budgeted) but only one of two vehicles (trucks) for the Animal Control department.

Solid Waste – Trade in one of the two solid waste roll off trucks & purchase a similar new vehicle ($79,000 estimated cost based on $144,000 for vehicle minus $65,000 trade in value) Maintain budget funding for skid steer equipment at transfer station but defer purchase until near end of FY11-12.

Remove funding ($18,000) for Preliminary Engineering Report for Recreation & Fitness Center initiative.

Tye River Elementary Restroom upgrade – $75,000 estimated cost

Tye River Elementary connection to public water & sewer – $100,000 estimated cost

Mr. Bruguiere asked staff to have the Assessors’ prepare a report on progress for the next meeting. They agreed to a budget timeline of: a work session on Thursday, April 21st at 4pm; finalizing proposed budget on Tuesday, May 10th; public hearing on Thursday, May 26th.

REZONING/MR. & MRS. TERRY PARKINS: Mr. Boger reported that the application to rezone the applicants’ approximately 25.481 acres at the intersection of Stonegate Lane and Rockfish Valley Highway from Residential Planned Community (RPC) to Agricultural (A-1) was returned to the Supervisors for reconsideration and public hearing as the adjoining neighbors had not been notified of the application in writing. Mr. Boger said that although the Board of Supervisors is not required to notify adjoining landowners in writing, it has been their practice to do so. He noted that the property has not been subject to Wintergreen covenants and restrictions and Wintergreen Property Owners Association is not required to provide any services to the property. With no public comment, Supervisors approved the rezoning with no conditions.

REAPPORTIONMENT OF ELECTION DISTRICTS: Mr. Phil Payne (County Attorney) reported that redistricting is required based on population changes in each district as identified by the census. He said that the goal is to realign district to have compact and contiguous districts with clearly observable landmarks for boundaries while preserving communities of interest. Mr. Payne said that the proposed district lines do not split census blocks and have observable boundaries. He noted that the process is on a high-speed schedule since Virginia has elections this year.

Ms. Susan Rorrer presented the proposed map, noting that the ideal population for each district (based on census information) is 3,004. She said that the South and Central districts grew more than the East and West districts so population had to be shifted to equalize the districts. She noted that the North district did not have to be changed. The proposed redistricting gives each district the following populations: South 3,091; East 3,019; West 3,026; Central 2,922; and North 2,962. The new alignment for the West District follows Rt. 151 across Brent’s Mountain and then follows Beech Grove Road up to Cub Creek Road. The new alignment for the East District follows the major power transmission line.

With no public comment, Supervisors voted unanimously to adopt the proposed redistricting. Ms. Brennan said that she did not want to lose any of her constituents along Beech Grove Road but could find no other way to transfer population. Mr. Johnson said that he was not happy about losing Fostertown but that it made no sense to move the residents along Tye River at the north end of the county have to cross Rt. 29 to the West District and the state’s redistricting plan would have made that even more difficult. Mr. Hale said that, while elected by districts, Supervisors serve the entire county.


MS. LESLIE HATFIELD, Faber, asked Supervisors to reconsider adopting a confinement ordinance. She said that a family member in her neighborhood has had a run-in with aggressive dogs. She said that she has three children who are afraid to play outside because of the dogs. Ms. Hatfield said that a rural county can make an exception to the ordinance for hunting dogs during a legal hunt and that Nelson Animal Control supports the adoption of an ordinance. She also said that no one is saying dogs should be tied up as there are many ways of confining a dog to your property.

MR. GLENN PHILLIPS, Faber, said that he supports an ordinance as he has been penned and bitten by dogs roaming. He said that an ordinance does not affect legitimate hunters but that there is a problem with dogs running in packs in the county.

MR. JASON HATFIELD, Faber, said that he is in support of a confinement/running-at-large ordinance, especially to help the disabled, handicapped and children who are unable to fight off a dog attack. He said that an ordinance would protect people and dogs and be mutually beneficial to both.

MS. CAROL HATFIELD, Faber, said that it is terrifying to have dogs go after your child and asked for the Supervisors’ help.

COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT: Mr. Carter reported on the following –

Courthouse Project – Project turn over may occur sooner, but full occupancy is expected June or July;

Broadband Project – Four proposals received in response RFP for Network Operation services and under review; Issuance of an RFP to retain construction services for the fiber optic network is planned for this week;

Blue Ridge Tunnel Project – Waiting for input from owner of the trailhead property on proceeding with completion of the easement acquisition;

Blue Ridge Railway Trail – Grant contract received for ensuing phase, county staff and VDOT working to initiate the project;

Region 2000 Regional Water Supply Plan – Supervisors will receive a presentation on the plan with information on local approvals within the next 90 days;

Nelson Memorial Library-HVAC System – HVAC design services retained & design/bid documents being prepared for obtaining a minimum of four proposals for project completion;

Towers – Construction of the tower at the Courthouse complex began on April 11th with estimated completion time being approximately 6 weeks (paving of the upper parking lot is pending completion of installation of this tower); Issuance of an RFP for construction of the Devils Knob Tower is expected the week of April 18th.

APPOINTMENTS: Supervisors unanimously appointed the following –

JABA Council on Aging – Ms. Deborah R. Harvey

Keep Nelson Beautiful Council – Ms. Anne Colgate

Region 2000 Services Authority Board – Mr. Steve Carter (Alternate: Ms. Candice McGarry)

Supervisors directed staff to advertise a position on the Community Policy Management Team (CSA) and to continue to seek applicants for a position on the JAUNT Board.

Meeting continued to Thursday, April 21st at 4:00pm for a Budget Work Session.


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