Bomb Threat At Nelson County High School : All Clear @ 12:30 PM

©2011 : Authorities search outside of Nelson County High School Wednesday morning in Lovingston after a bomb threat there. 3.2.11
©2011 : Authorities search outside of Nelson County High School Wednesday morning in Lovingston after a bomb threat there. 3.2.11

Nelson County, Virginia

12:30 PM EST
Sheriff Brooks says all clear at Nelson County High, students resuming normal school day.

11:57 AM EST
Sheriff Brooks, last K-9 team now arrives and joins search at school.

11:44 AM EST
Sheriff Brooks, 2nd and 3rd dog teams now join search of school. 1st team arrived earlier and began search.

11:02 AM EST
Sheriff Brooks says specially trained K-9 dogs coming to school to search. All students accounted for and safe.

10:26 AM EST
Sheriff Brooks tells us emergency crews and officers are following standard procedure for such a threat, no reason to become overly concerned at this point. Students are safe. Situation under control.

10:13AM EST
NCL has confirmed that authorities are working a bomb threat Wednesday morning at Nelson County High School in Lovingston. “We have officers on the scene and other emergency support crews,” Nelson Sheriff, David Brooks confirmed to NCL.

As of this post authorities have no reason to believe this threat to be any more credible than others in the past.

More as we know it.


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