Afton Mountain : Fatal Accident On I-64 EB Shuts Down Traffic (MM 104)

©2011 : Traffic was at a standstill on Afton Mountain at the 104 milemarker eastbound Tuesday morning just after 9AM.

Afton Mountain / I-64
Mile Marker 104 East Bound

CBS-19 in Charlottesville has an update to this story here with victim’s names.

Original Post from 9:22 AM
Around 9AM Tuesday morning all eastbound traffic on I-64 is shutdown due to an accident at that location. We highly suggest you follow VA511 by clicking here to keep up with the latest updates.

This was their latest statement as of 9:10 AM

On I-64 at mile marker 104 in the County of Albemarle, motorists can expect major delays due to a multi-vehicle accident. The east left shoulder, left lane, right lane, and right shoulder are closed. The west left shoulder is closed. Traffic backups are approximately 2.0 miles.
A detour has been established at Exit 99 to direct traffic on to US-250 and back to I-64 at Exit 107.
Last Updated: 03/01/2011 09:10:26

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