Thursday, February 24, 2011
Present: Mr. Joe Dan Johnson, Mr. Tommy Bruguiere, Mr. Allen Hale, Mr.
Tommy Harvey and
Ms. Connie Brennan
SCENIC BYWAY: Supervisors voted unanimously to endorse the designation
of Rt. 800 (Schuyler Road) from the intersection with Rt. 617
(Rockfish River Road) in Schuyler in Nelson County to Route 6 (Irish
Road) in Albemarle County; creating a scenic loop route.
BOARD CALENDAR: Supervisors reviewed 2011 calendar, adding a June
Board retreat. In addition, they directed staff to determine the
schedule and process for redistricting.
2011-12 BUDGET: Supervisors agreed to work on the pieces of the budget
as follows:
– School Board – Mr. Bruguiere and Ms. Brennan;
– Service Authority & Capital Plan – Mr. Hale and Mr. Harvey;
– Agency Requests – Mr. Johnson and Ms. Brennan
Mr. Carter said that staff expects to have a draft budget to the Board
at their March 8th meeting. Supervisors set a budget work session for
Thursday, March 16th at 1:00pm at the Courthouse to listen to updates
and presentations from Constitutional Officers on their budgets.
Williams, TJPDC, reviewed the 2012 program that includes identifying
strategies for jurisdictional and regional priorities; review freight
initiatives and compile bicycle and pedestrian recommendations. Mr.
Williams noted that, on the local level, TJPDC will also assist in the
technical and writing work to complete the transportation chapter of
the Nelson Comprehensive Plan update.
Ms. Brennan asked that the planning work include Park & Ride planning.
Mr. Bruguiere said that the program should also include turn lanes on
Rt. 151 at major intersections, especially in the Afton corridor.
Meeting adjourned.