Blizzard 2009 : One Year Ago : 12.19.09

©2010 : One year ago on December 19, 2009 - people living in Nelson County woke up to 2 feet of snow covering everything.

Nelson County, Virginia
How could anyone every forget the blizzard of December 2009? We sure haven’t! In less than 24 hours 2 feet of snow fell in Nelson County, paralyzing the county for days.

Yvette pulls a much younger, Junior Publisher, Adam Stafford on a sled ride. Check out the snow depth behind her where it wasn't plowed.
An old yardstick measured just under 2 feet of snow here at NCL the morning of December 19, 2009.

Thankfully, nothing even close to the 2009 blizzard is headed our way! But we all survived it, and summer eventually came, after two more snows just like it in early 2010!

If you’re into reliving it all click here and here, and here.


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