Nelson Gets First Widespread Snow Of The Season – Schools Closed Again Friday

Photo By Tommy Stafford : ©2010 : A lone car or two travel south on a snow packed Route 151 Thursday afternoon.

Nelson County, Virginia
Updated 5:30 PM EDT : Nelson County Public Schools will be closed on Friday 12.17.10 due to snow and ice.

Though Nelson County has already seen a dusting of snow this season, Thursday’s was the first widespread appreciable snow so far. The snow began just after daylight and continued for much of the day. Heavier accumulations, as forecast, were in the southern part of the county with lesser amounts in the northern sections, but still significant. Measurements ranged from a couple of inches to as much as 5 inches by the time Thursday ending and nighttime was taking hold.Scroll to bottom of this post for area snowfall totals.

Photo By Paul Purpura : ©2010 : NCL Mountain Photographer, Paul Purpura used his handy ruler to measure about 2 inches of fresh snow up at Wintergreen by early afternoon Thursday.

Roads were pretty much snow packed for the entire day with most schools in the region canceling classes along with many governmental agencies including courts and non-essential services in Nelson.

Photo By Victoria Gomez Mininger : Snow began falling first Thursday morning in places like Shipman, Colleen, and Montebello. This is a beautiful scene from Shipman.
NCL Junior Publisher had his snow cookie after lunch, courtesy of Joe Richardson at Devils Backbone.
Heidi Crandall & Siporah Winsheimer shovel snow in front of Devils Backbone Thursday afternoon.
Route 151 looking north near the Rockfish River just south of Spruce Creek.

You can see area snowfall totals by clicking here.

Snow will taper off in the evening hours Thursday with mostly sunny skies and temps in the mid 30’s returning on Friday. There is another chance for light snow Saturday night.


  1. The upside to all this is that there is GREAT skiing at Wintergreen. Many of the slopes are open for all abilities. Come on up! Certainly this is the best December skiing ever!

    Wintergreen had some problems with the roads around the Mountain Inn early Friday morning but by noon things had improved considerably.


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