Beech Grove / Roseland
Nelson County, Virginia
If you are an Ntelos Wireless customer in the Beech Grove area, you have probably noticed a tremendous signal improvement with the past day or so. That’s because of the latest activation by nTelos of their tower that was constructed this past summer. After the final installation and testing of data lines to the site, it was activated late in the week.
The site joins numerous others nTelos has installed in Nelson to aggressively improve both cell and internet service across the county in both the valley and on the mountain at Wintergreen.
If you’d like more information on nTelos cell service and / or 3G wireless mobile broadband you can contact John Apesa at nTelos: (540) 457-2000
Thank you Ntelos!!!!!! We have EXCELLENT service with our wireless card.
we would love to have a tower in dororthy wv 25060
@Erica, we can tell you it has been a Godsend here in Nelson. Had given many of us reliable fast internet where non was available before. 🙂