Drs. Rice & Rice Dentistry – Halloween Candy Buy Back : 10.22.10

Photo By Tommy Stafford : ©2010 www.nelsoncountylife.com : Drs. Jennifer & Jim Rice with their daughter in the Nellysford office with the scales that will be used in the Halloween Candy Buyback. Click to enlarge.
Photo By Tommy Stafford : ©2010 www.nelsoncountylife.com : Drs. Jennifer & Jim Rice with their daughter in the Nellysford office with the scales that will be used in the Halloween Candy Buyback. Click to enlarge.

Nelson County, Virginia

By Jennie Tal Willams
Every year, kids get pounds upon pounds of Halloween candy. Some eat it within the week and others are throwing away pillowcases full of stale Smarties and melted M&M Minis during spring cleaning.

Either way, Rice & Rice Dentists are here to help. For the first time, Dr. Jennifer Rice and her practice are participating in the Halloween Candy Buy-Back Program, a nationwide program that helps kids’ teeth stay healthy while providing soldiers stationed overseas a little taste of home.

“They can enjoy a little Halloween – maybe a little late, but at least they can have a holiday,” said Jennifer, adding that they often include notes of encouragement and thanks to the service men and women.
Wondering how kids are convinced to give up their store of sweets? In case the notion of helping others isn’t enough (which Jennifer says it often is), kids can make money giving up the goods.

Every year, kids get pounds upon pounds of Halloween candy.
Every year, kids get pounds upon pounds of Halloween candy.

“Bring the uneaten, unopened candy,” instructed Jennifer. “We’ll weigh it and pay $1 per pound and we’ll also give you a glowing tooth brush.”

Wanna sell back some candy for yourself? Visit the Crozet or Nellysford office of Rice & Rice dentists from 3 to 5 p.m. Nov. 1 for a chance to make a few bucks and help out some soldiers.

For more information about the program or to inquire about participating in 2011, visit www.halloweencandybuyback.com.

Rice & Rice Dentistry on the web: http://nellysforddentist.com/home.htm



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