Backroads Still Needs Back Issues! : 10.18.10

©2006 Backroads : Lynn Coffey's final edition of Backroads that had a 25 year run here in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Nelson. Click to enlarge.
©2006 Backroads : Lynn Coffey's final edition of Backroads that had a 25 year run here in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Nelson. Click to enlarge.

Nelson County, Virginia
Most anyone living along the Blue Ridge Parkway will know Lynn Coffey and her successful long run with Backroads Magazine from 1981 to 2006. Lynn’s publication is one that Oakland Museum of Rural History is preserving. We first told you about the gift she is giving that includes all of the Backroads issues from start to finish. NCL also provided entire back issues of the magazine since it was founded.

In our August 2010 printed edition Lynn asked for your help in locating some of the missing issues. Lynn still lacks a few of the old issues and continues asking for your help in finding copies she can donate to the museum for preservation.

Here’s what Lynn needs:
March 1984
October 1985
Feb & Mar 1986
August 1988
July 1991
Jan 1992

If you have any of these lying around or know someone that does, give Lynn a call at: 540.949.0329 for more info and to arrange pickup or mailing expense.

We also hear rumor that Lynn is working on another book that’s soon to be released, a sequel to her original Backroads book released late last year that we told you about in December 2009.

Stay tuned!


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