Pick-Your-Own Fuji Apples at Dickie Bros. Orchard


At Dickie Brothers Orchard, we allow our customers to pick their own apples from the trees all season. Sure you can pick apples from a bin, but the view from our orchard is one of the most beautiful in Virginia… especially now when the leaves are beginning to change color.

Don’t miss Pick-Your-Own Fuji Apples at Dickie Bros. Orchard through Fri., Oct. 15th – .75¢/lb.

Pick-Your-Own Rome Apples this weekend, Oct. 16 & 17th – .50¢/lb.

Other Favorites:
pumpkins, sweet potatoes, ornamental gourds & corn, cake and cobbler mixes, apple sauce, apple butter & cider, honey, jams & jellies.

Open Mon-Sat, 8AM-5PM
Sunday 10AM to 5PM

Restrooms available
Handicap Accessible


Event Date: Friday 15th of October 2010 08:00 AM

Location/Address: 2552 Dickie Rd., Roseland, Va 22967

Contact Telephone Please call (434) 277-5516 for more information