Brew Ridge Trail Music Festival 2010 : 8.22.10

Photos By Hayley Osborne : ©2010 : Crowds of people packed the 2nd Annual Brew Ridge Trail Music Festival this past Saturday, August 21, 2010 in Roseland, Virginia. Click on any photo to enlarge.
Photos By Hayley Osborne : ©2010 : Crowds of people packed the 2nd Annual Brew Ridge Trail Music Festival this past Saturday, August 21, 2010 in Roseland, Virginia. Click on any photo to enlarge.

Nelson County, Virginia

By all accounts the 2nd Annual Brew Ridge Trail Music Festival was a success. The event was held this past Saturday on the on the grounds at Devils Backbone Brewing Company in Roseland, Beech Grove, to the locals! Our Hayley Osborne was in the thick of it to capture some of the sights at this year’s festival. Here’s a few random shots. Thanks Hayley!

William Walter & Company on stage at the 2nd Annual Brew Ridge Trail Music Festival.
William Walter & Company on stage at the 2nd Annual Brew Ridge Trail Music Festival.
Of course the festival is all about the brew. A variety of brewers were there with hand crafted beers.
Of course the festival is all about the brew. A variety of brewers were on there with hand crafted beers.
Every kind of beer immaginable, from the lightest to the darkest was on hand at the 2010 festival.
Every kind of beer immaginable, from the lightest to the darkest was on hand at the 2010 festival.
The all day and evening event had perfect weather unlike the 2009 inagural kickoff which started with rain but eventually became sunny.
The all day and evening event had perfect weather unlike the 2009 inagural kickoff which started with rain but eventually became sunny.
Turbine on stage at the 2nd Annual Brew Ridge Trail Music Festival.
Turbine on stage at the 2nd Annual Brew Ridge Trail Music Festival.
Fans dance to the tunes at the 2010 festival.
Fans dance to the tunes at the 2010 festival.
BRTMF is one of two major music festivals planned this year. The Festy will take place the weekend of October 9 and 10th at the same location.
BRTMF is one of two major music festivals planned this year. The Festy will take place the weekend of October 9 and 10th at the same location.
LIke all good things, the fun day finally ended late Saturday night!
LIke all good things, the fun day finally ended late Saturday night!

Brew Ridge Trail Music Festival on the web:


  1. Memo to organizers!

    We “enjoyed” the music until very late up at Wintergreen. Please, next time, show some consideration for neighbors all around by stopping the din at a more civil hour.


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