Nelson County, Virginia
If you don’t know the name Joel Salatin by now, you should. Joel is considered the foremost expert on non-industrial food production. He and his family started Polyface Farm back in 1961. Rather than using highly industrialized methods to bring the old farm back into shape, Joel ignored conventional wisdom and used earth friendly methods to bring his farm to life. This past Thursday evening, Joel spoke to roughly 100 people at Pharsalia in Tyro about his decades of experience and why the country is facing a severe food problem if people don’t return to concept of knowing where their food comes from.
“You don’t have to look any farther than the egg scare going on in the country right now to see why we need a return to local eating and not industrialized food production,” Joel told the audience. Joel has long been a critic of the way the USDA and FDA oversee food production in the US. He told the crowd huge agricultural corporations have taken over food production here in the the US while leaving food less safe than ever.
To lean more about Joel Salatin and his Polyface Farm located in the Shenandoah Valley head on over to his website: http://www.polyfacefarms.com/