Oktoberfest : 9.25.10 @ Wintergreen Resort



Wintergreen Performing Arts presents an Oktoberfest. Join us for a celebration of German culture and food – a family event in a beer garden setting. Feast on brats, wursts, German potato salad and kraut, along with American hot dogs and hamburgers. Enjoy traditional “om-pah” band music and taste local microbrewery beers. The music will be provided by the Shippensburg Blaskapelle. Proceeds support the extensive performance and educational activities of Wintergreen Performing Arts.Tickets will not be sold in advance; they will be available at the Evans Center Box Office on the day of the event.

Location: The Evans Center at Wintergreen Resort
Date: Saturday, September 25, 2010
Time: Noon – 5:30 pm
Ticket Price: $20 includes souvenir mug; food available for purchase
Further information: (434) 325-8292; www.wintergreenperformingarts.org; info@wintergreenperformingarts.org

Event Date: Saturday 25th of September 2010 12:00 PM

Location/Address: Evans Center at Wintergreen Resort

Contact Telephone Please call (434) 325-8292 for more information