Board Of Supervisors : 8.10.10 – Minutes


Present: Ms. Connie Brennan, Mr. Joe Dan Johnson, Mr. Tommy Bruguiere, Mr. Allen Hale and Mr. Tommy Harvey

LESESNE STATE FOREST: Ms. Martha Warring, VA Department of Forestry, presented a check for $9,172.40, representing 25% of the proceeds from a recent timber sale on the property.

COURTHOUSE PROJECT/HEALTH DEPARTMENT BUILDING: Mr. Carter reviewed the current financial summary on the courthouse project noting $11,631,262 in available funds with estimated project costs of $9,070,697 and leaving an un-obligated balance of $2,560,565. Mr. Carter reported additional expenses of an estimated $215,000 for the added second-floor connector; $241,500 in AE costs for the VDH building project; $700,000 in projected radio expenses for a remaining balance of $1,404,065. With project contingencies, grants and a local match reduction, the project balance is $593,600.

Mr. Carter presented the proposals from Wiley & Wilson for the Health Department building renovations at an estimated cost of $1,609,339. He noted that at 4.25% interest, the annual debt service would be $119,592 for 20 years but that by applying annual lease payments, reductions in rents paid out by relocating some county office to the new courthouse complex and applying additional state funds, the county could come close to paying for the debt service for the renovations of the building with those funds.

Supervisors voted unanimously to adopt a resolution authorizing staff to execute an agreement with Wiley & Wilson to provide the Architectural and Engineering services related to the renovation of the Health Department building and to conduct a space planning study of the newly renovated space and the existing courthouse building.

ROCKFISH HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION, SECTION II: Mr. Boger reported that the owner of one of the lots in Section II of the subdivision located on Rt. 627 (Spruce Creek Lane) has requested that the county require that the road into Section II be completed so that he can access his lot. The original approvals for the subdivision did not include a date for completion but did require that once a majority of lots were sold in Section II, the road construction would begin. In addition, there was agreement that the $461,825 bond posted by the developer to guarantee road construction would be used for Section I. Once the road in Section I was completed, the posted bond would be used to guarantee road completion in Section II. Mr. Tim Luwis, developer, said that the road to Section II would be completed by 2020 and requested a reduction in the amount of the bond to $237,500. Mr. Boger reported that on June 23rd the Planning Commission had recommended that the road be required to be completed by June 23, 2013. Mr. Luwis then requested an extension on the road completion date to 2015. After review and discussion, Supervisors took no action on the developer’s request to lower the bond and upheld the Planning Commissions’ recommended road completion date of June 23, 2013 with a 4-0 vote. (Note: Mr. Harvey abstained as his son had provided one of the quotes to the developer for the road completion work.)

COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT: Mr. Carter reported on the following –

– Broadband Project – project agreement completed with Icon Engineering; Local Innovation Grant application for an additional $200,000 will be submitted this week to VA-DHCD;

– TRES/RRES roof & window repair project – roof replacement at TRES will be completed prior to start of new school year; window replacement will continue into the new school year;

– Nelson Heritage Center – Mr. Carter reported that, in response to the Millennium Group’s request that they be allowed to remove bricks from the gym as a means of evaluating the building’s structural integrity, responses from two engineering firms did not find that a viable method of evaluation and advised that the gym should remain closed to the public. NolenFrisa (one of the two firms) estimated repair costs at $200,000 to $650,000 and demolition at $200,000.

– Dogs Running at Large – Mr. Carter presented ordinances from various localities and Mr. Phil Payne (County Attorney) reviewed the state code. Supervisors agreed to hold a work session to consider what the ordinance should include.

– Dangerous Buildings – Mr. Payne reviewed the state code as it relates to “public nuisances” and the court process to deal with those issues. After discussion, Supervisors agreed that the state code is working and that the adjoining property owner has the power to take a landowner to court if there is a specific issue.


Supervisors voted unanimously to adopt a resolution establishing a Broadband Advisory Committee. They also voted unanimously to appoint the following to that Committee: Ms. Kim Bryant; Mr. Greg Kelly; Mr. Alan Patrick; Mr. Tommy Stafford; Mr. John Taylor; Mr. Jeff Harris; Mr. John Holman; Mr. Clay Stewart; and Mr. Joe Dan Johnson.

Supervisors voted unanimously to accept the resignations of the following: Mr. Steve Crandall (Economic Development Authority) and Dr. Kathryn Cameron (Jefferson Area Disabilities Services Board). Both vacancies will be advertised.

Meeting adjourned.

Copyright 2000-2010 by Rural Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved. Reports may be reprinted or excerpted with attribution.


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