Planning Commission : Minutes – 7.28.10


Present: Ms. Philippa Proulx, Ms. Emily Hunt, Mr. Mike Harman, Ms. Linda Russell,

Mr. Mike Tapager and Mr. Allen Hale (Board Liaison)

PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS: Commissioners reviewed a proposed amendment to remove reference to Conditional Use Permits in Articles 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 8A, 8B, 9, 12, 18, and 22. The ordinance will instead utilize the more commonly used Special Use Permit in all Articles. After discussion and minor changes, Commissioners voted unanimously to direct staff to advertise the proposed changes for public hearing.

PROPOSED SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE AMENDMENT: Commissioners directed staff to provide a draft amendment clarifying the term “governing body” as it relates to body requirements in the ordinance.

PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS/COMMUNICATION TOWERS: Commissioners reviewed the proposed ordinance draft which would make the following changes to the existing ordinance:

– Class I towers would be those up to 85 feet in height and could be approved administratively;

– Class II towers would be greater than 85 feet and up to 130 feet in height and could be approved by the Planning Commission;

– Class III towers would exceed 130 feet in height, require a Special Use Permit and approval of the Board of Supervisors;

– Wooden and metal poles would be treated the same;

– States that towers should not be more than 10’ taller than the vegetative canopy within 50’ of the tower;

– Promotes collocation;

– Allows for a longer review time for the Planning Director and the Planning Commission;

– Eliminates the Special Exception section of the current ordinance by allowing the Planning Commission to deal with waivers to Class II towers and requiring a Special Use Permit for Class III towers (which would allow for conditions);

– Class I towers would have no setbacks and be treated as telephone poles while Class II and III towers would have consistent, clear fall zones

After review, Commissioners agreed that, although the proposed draft allows towers within the viewshed of Scenic Byways, they would prefer to see guidelines for those towers. By consensus, they directed staff to draft guidelines for review at the next meeting. In addition, the Commissioners directed staff to review and draft guidelines for the approval process for additional antennas added to existing towers.

Further discussion tabled until the August meeting following review of the additional information requested from staff.

PROPOSED REZONING/THOMAS NELSON HIGHWAY: Commissioners reviewed a draft letter asking property owners of Parcels 10A, 10, 9D, 14 and 15 – the area from the Nelson County Rescue Squad to Mr. Ponton’s property north of Vito’s – for their comments on rezoning each of those parcels from Agricultural A-1 to Business B-1 to reflect the what is actually there. Commissioners will review the revised draft at their next meeting.

Meeting adjourned.

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