Board Of Supervisors : Minutes : 7.22.10


Present: Ms. Connie Brennan, Mr. Joe Dan Johnson, Mr. Tommy Bruguiere, Mr. Tommy Harvey

Absent: Mr. Allen Hale

CHANGE/CORRECTION OF POLLING PLACE NAMES: With no public comment, Supervisors voted unanimously to amend the County Code to correct the name of polling places changing the Shipman Precinct polling place from Shipman Civic Center to American Legion Post Number 17; and Tuckahoe School, Nellysford to Tuckahoe Clubhouse, Nellysford.

ROCKFISH HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION: Mr. Boger reported that in 2007, the final plat was signed for Phase I and Phase II of this subdivision with the owner stating that once a majority of lots in Phase I were sold, the road to Phase II would be developed. He noted that two lots in Phase II were sold in 2007 with a third lot in Phase II changing ownership as a result of distribution between the partners. The owner of that lot wants the road constructed to give him access to his lot. Mr. Boger reported that the Planning Commission set the road completion date as June 23, 2013 but that Mr. Tim Luwis, the owner, has asked the Board to extend the road completion date to 2015. Supervisors directed staff to provide a copy of the minutes regarding the original approval in 2007 and to provide information on how many lots have been sold in Phase I and how many have been sold in Phase II. Further discussion tabled to consideration of additional information.

ICON ENGINEERING CONTRACT AUTHORIZATION: Supervisors voted 4-0 to adopt a resolution authorizing staff to enter into a contract with Icon Engineering to provide services related to the Broadband Project.

CIRCUIT COURT CLERK’S OFFICE FUNDING: Ms. Judy Smythers asked the Board to consider transferring $4,000 of unused part-time staff funding from the 09-10 budget to the 10-11 budget. She said that she had not used her part-time position funding in anticipation of a full-time position vacancy in April, 2010 but that vacancy did not occur until June, 2010 and could not be filled until July 1, 2010. Ms. Smythers said that she needs to be able to use part-time staff while training a new full-time employee. She noted no staff increases in her office since 1983 although the workload has increased by 38% with local revenue generated increasing from $165,327 in 2000 to $406,187 in 2009. Supervisors voted 4-0 to appropriate $4,000 to the Clerk’s Office part-time staff budget.

REGIONAL ARTISAN TRAIL CONTRACT AUTHORIZATION: Supervisors voted 4-0 to adopt a resolution authorizing staff to enter into a contract for $12,000 in planning grant funds from VA Department of Housing & Community Development.

PUBLIC COMMENT: MR. TRACY DAVIS, Beech Grove, said that he wants information on the proposed dog leash law, saying that he does not care what has been done at Wintergreen, but does care about the natives of Nelson. He said that he does not want to see a leash law to deal with a few isolated incidents.

MS. MARJORIE GUTHRIE and MR. THOMAS GUTHRIE, Arrington, said that they have been in court to deal with two neighbor dogs that have killed 85 of their quail in their cages. They said that the judge has said that there must be three incidents and released the dogs for the second time, saying that the dogs must be contained on the owner’s property. They said that the cost of the quail plus the eggs they would have laid equal a loss of $72,000 for them.

MS. SUSAN WIEDMANN, Faber, said that she does not feel safe walking her own dogs on the main road. She said that roaming dogs kill pets, wildlife and then go after humans.

Mr. Harvey said that the Board’s intent has nothing to do with hunting dogs. Mr. Johnson said that there are problems with dogs attaching bicyclists and other animals. Mr. Bruguiere said that the Board is not looking at a leash law but rather requiring owners to contain their dogs on their own property. Mr. Johnson said that there need to be teeth in the law with the owner being responsible for any damage.

Meeting adjourned.

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