Mozart Monday II


Wintergreen Summer Music Festival: Mozart Monday II – Performances by the Wintergreen Chamber Players
The six string quartets that Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart dedicated to Joseph Haydn will be performed over the course of two concerts on July 19 and July 26. The “Haydn Quartets,” composed between 1782 and 1785, are some of the greatest chamber music ever written.
Please note: These concerts will also be performed at the visitor center at Monticello on Thursday, July 22 and Thursday, July 29 at 7:30 pm. Adult $25, Ages 10-17 $10, Under 10 Free. For further information or tickets: or (434) 325-8292

Event Date: Monday 26th of July 2010 07:30 PM

Location/Address: Evans Center at Wintergreen Resort

Contact Telephone Please call (4340 325-8292 for more information