Ann Austrian Heuriger


Wintergreen Summer Music Festival presents: An Austrian Heuriger, 11:30 am – 2:30 pm
OK . . . what’s a Heuriger? Imagine yourself in the Vienna Woods (Wienerwald) enjoying “new wine” at the winemaker’s hut with a delicious cold plate of Austrian food. Well . . . “new wine” is hard to find in Central Virginia in mid-July, but we can still re-create the event with Austrian wine (and beer) and Austrian food. Add to that some music, a beautiful park and an opportunity to visit one of the Festival’s three exhibitions, and you have An Austrian Heuriger . . . Wintergreen Style! Free. Austrian wine, beer and food will be available for purchase. The food, provided by The Java Depot in Nellysford, Virginia, will include tasty cold roast pork, artisan breads, condiments and other Austrian fare.Wine: $5 – Beer: $4 – Luncheon Plate: $5.50

Event Date: Saturday 17th of July 2010 11:30 AM

Location/Address: Old Wintergreen Country Store and Spruce Creek Park

Contact Telephone Please call (434) 325-8292 for more information