Board Of Supervisors : 6.24.10 : Minutes



Thursday, June 24, 2010

Present: Ms. Connie Brennan, Mr. Tommy Bruguiere, Mr. Allen Hale and Mr. Tommy Harvey

Absent: Mr. Joe Dan Johnson

TRES/RRES UPDATE: Dr. Roger Collins, School Superintendent, reported that the project to replace one roof and the windows in both elementary schools is moving forward with low bid received from Robertson Construction at $716,300. He introduced the project coordinator, Ms. Betty Slough, and said that a fall completion is projected. Dr. Collins said that 70% of the project should be done before the fall start of school, the remaining 30% will be coordinated around school schedules to allow for safe completion of the project.

HEALTH DEPARTMENT BUILDING: Mr. Randy Vaughn with Wiley Wilson reviewed all the options for the Health Department Building, including renovation resulting in the same square footage of space; renovation with additional footprint and space; and demolition of the existing building with various scenarios for replacement of the space. Mr. Carter noted that the debt service on renovation would be less with available Health Department funding and the rent currently paid for Department of Social Services space. He suggested that the School Board could then move to the current DSS building and the county offices could take over available space in the courthouse.

Mr. Hale said that the Health Department and Registrar must have space somewhere. He noted that renovation of the existing building would cost approximately $93/square foot while new construction would cost $140 to $150/square foot. He said that renovation is the best bang for the money. Mr. Bruguiere said that the building is ugly but it comes down to money. He said that it is $40 to $50/square foot less to renovate.

Mr. Vaughn noted that the immediate issue is whether to replace the roof on the Health Department building, reporting a savings of $24,860 on the current Blair Construction contract if the roof replacement were removed. He suggested that the roof should only be replaced on that building now if nothing else were planned for that building. He said that if renovation or demolition were planned, the roof contract should be removed from the current plan. Supervisors agreed to defer roof replacement on the building pending a decision on renovation or demolition. Supervisors voted 3-1 (Mr. Harvey voting no) to authorize staff to proceed with plans to renovate the building and provide the Board with proposals on how to pay for it with updated information and costs.


Meeting adjourned.

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