Hot, Sometimes Stormy Weather Continues – Even Hotter! 6.23.10

Even hotter temps are in the forecast later this week!
Even hotter temps are in the forecast later this week!

Nelson County, Virginia
Tuesday was hot, that’s for sure! 97° here at NCL. Wednesday will be an equally hot day with the heat index once again rising to 100+ degrees. By Thursday, the actual air temp is predicted to the upper 90’s to around 100° in some locations across Central Virginia.

Additionally today, another round of thunderstorms will begin firing up Wednesday afternoon as the abundant moisture and the excessive heat combine to fire up storms. As with some yesterday, a few of the afternoon storms have the potential to reach severe limits. The ones on Tuesday stay to the north of Nelson. There’s a slightly better chance that some of them will drop into our area on Wednesday.

Regardless, it will be hot!

Listen to the melting details over in Tommy’s Audio Weather by clicking here.


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