Stone Soup Live Music – Mary Gordon Hall


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Clear and pure “new folk” songs; heartfelt and personal; lyrically intimate, yet universal; surprising arrangements that will beg you to push the repeat button..Radio host and singer songwriter Christine Lavin said, “Her voice is gorgeous, her arrangements surprising. It’s so obvious when I hear a voice like Mary Gordon Hall’s, I know she was born to sing. More info on

No cover charge, donations graciously received. Space limited. Call for reservation. Stone Soup Books and Café, 908 W. Main St., Waynesboro 540-943-0084,

Event Date: Friday 23rd of July 2010 06:00 PM

Location/Address: Stone Soup Books & Cafe, 908 W Main St Waynesboro VA 22980

Contact Telephone Please call 540-943-0084 for more information