Help Casey Get Back Home : Missing Dog In Shipman : 6.21.10

Photo Courtesy of: Victoria Gomez Mininger : Our Collie - Casey - who has been missing since Wednesday (6-26-10) from our home in Shipman. If anyone has seen her or has any information we would be grateful for a call - 540-649-0689 or 540-448-2230 - (she is the collie at the front of the picture)
Photo Courtesy of: Victoria Gomez Mininger : Our Collie - Casey - who has been missing since Wednesday (6-26-10) from our home in Shipman. If anyone has seen her or has any information we would be grateful for a call - 540-649-0689 or 540-448-2230 - (she is the collie at the front of the picture)

Nelson County, Virginia

Victoria Gomez Mininger of Shipman recently emailed us asking for our help in positing info about her family’s missing Collie named Casey. You know we have a soft spot for animals here at NCL, so here we go. We’ve also posted information on our wall, on our Facebook page.

Here’s more info from Victoria: “On Wednesday evening our collie – Casey went missing after getting spooked by the storm. She is a 7 year old Collie, 40-45 pounds and looks like “Lassie” in color. She is friendly and was wearing a blue/green collar with tags. We live on the south end of Laurel Rd. in Shipman before it becomes Craigstown. If you see her we would appreciate a phone call at 540-649-0689 or 540-448-2230. She is a beloved family pet and we miss her greatly. ”

If anyone has any info, we know Victoria and her family would appreciate the help!

Remember we had a similar scenario here in the Rockfish Valley a few months ago and it had a very happy ending after your help!


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